1 naranjero
adj.1 applied to pieces of artillery which carry balls of the size of oranges.2 applied to a blunderbuss with a mouth of the size of an orange.m.orange grower.* * *► adjetivo1 orange► nombre masculino,nombre femenino1 (agricultor) orange grower; (vendedor) orange seller1 blunderbuss————————1 blunderbuss* * *naranjero, -a1.ADJ [país, comarca, región] orange-growing2.SM / F (=agricultor) orange grower; (=vendedor) orange seller3.SM (=árbol) orange tree* * *- ra masculino, femeninoa) (Agr) orange grower* * *- ra masculino, femeninoa) (Agr) orange grower* * *naranjero -ramasculine, feminineA1 ( Agr) orange grower2B* * *naranjero, -a♦ adjla industria naranjera the orange industry;una región naranjera an orange-growing region♦ nm,f1. [vendedor] orange seller2. [cultivador] orange grower* * *m, naranjera f orange grower -
2 campo
m.1 country, countryside (campiña).en mitad del campo in the middle of the country o countrysidela emigración del campo a la ciudad migration from rural areas to citiescampo abierto open countrysidea campo traviesa cross country2 field.dejar el campo libre a algo/alguien (figurative) to leave the field clear for something/somebodycampo de aviación airfieldcampo de batalla battlefieldcampo de pruebas testing groundcampo de tiro firing rangecampo visual field of vision3 camp (campamento).campo de refugiados refugee campcampo de concentración concentration campcampo de exterminio death camp4 pitch (sport) (de fútbol). (peninsular Spanish)jugar en campo propio/contrario to play at home/away (from home)campo de deportes sports ground5 field (computing).6 room.7 domain, scope.8 campsite.9 pitch area, area of play.pres.indicat.1st person singular (yo) present indicative of spanish verb: campar.* * *1 (campiña) country, countryside2 (agricultura) field3 (de deportes) field, pitch4 (espacio) space5 figurado field, scope\dejarle a alguien el campo libre figurado to leave the field open for somebodyir a campo traviesa/través to cut across the fieldscampo de batalla battlefieldcampo de concentración concentration campcampo de fútbol football pitchcampo de golf golf course, golf links pluralcampo de tenis tennis courtcampo de tiro shooting rangecampo deportivo playing fieldcampo visual visual fieldcampo magnético magnetic fieldcasa de campo country housetrabajo de campo field work* * *noun m.1) country, countryside2) field* * *SM1) (=terreno no urbano) countryviven en el campo — they live in the country o countryside
la gente del campo — country people o folk
2) (Agr) [para cultivar]los obreros del campo — farm workers, agricultural workers
los productos del campo — farm produce, country produce
campo de cultivo — (lit) farm land; (fig) breeding ground
3) (Dep) (=estadio) ground; (=cancha) pitch, field (EEUU)4) (=espacio delimitado)Campo de Gibraltar — Spanish territory around the border with Gibraltar
campo santo — cemetery, churchyard
Campos Elíseos — [en París] Champs Elysées; (Mit) Elysian Fields
5) (Mil) (=campamento) camplevantar el campo — (Mil) to break camp, strike camp; (=irse) to make tracks *
campo de aviación — airfield, airdrome (EEUU)
campo de trabajo — [de castigo] labour o (EEUU) labor camp; [de vacaciones] work camp
6) (=grupo) field7) (=ámbito) fieldcampo de acción, campo de actuación — scope, room for manoeuvre o (EEUU) maneuver
campo gravitatorio — gravity field, field of gravity
trabajo 1)campo visual — field of vision, visual field
8) (Arte) background9) (Heráldica) field10) And (=estancia) farm, ranch; Cono Sur (=tierra pobre) barren land; And, Cono Sur (Min) mining concession11) LAm (=espacio) space, roomno hay campo — there's no room o space
* * *1) ( zona no urbana) country; ( paisaje) countrysidecampo a través or a campo traviesa — <cruzar/ir> cross-country
2)a) ( zona agraria) land; ( terreno) fieldb)de campo — field (before n)
investigaciones or observaciones de campo — a field study trabajo
perdieron en su campo or en campo propio — they lost at home
4) (ámbito, área de acción) fieldesto no está dentro de mi campo de acción — this does not fall within my area o field of responsibility
dejarle el campo libre a alguien — to leave the field clear for somebody
5) ( campamento) camplevantar el campo — to make tracks (colloq)
6) (Andes) (espacio, lugar)hagan or abran campo — make room
7) (Inf) field* * *1) ( zona no urbana) country; ( paisaje) countrysidecampo a través or a campo traviesa — <cruzar/ir> cross-country
2)a) ( zona agraria) land; ( terreno) fieldb)de campo — field (before n)
investigaciones or observaciones de campo — a field study trabajo
perdieron en su campo or en campo propio — they lost at home
4) (ámbito, área de acción) fieldesto no está dentro de mi campo de acción — this does not fall within my area o field of responsibility
dejarle el campo libre a alguien — to leave the field clear for somebody
5) ( campamento) camplevantar el campo — to make tracks (colloq)
6) (Andes) (espacio, lugar)hagan or abran campo — make room
7) (Inf) field* * *campo11 = country, countryside, field.Ex: But in the country the processes of printing always provoke such lively curiosity that the customers preferred to go in by a glazed door set in the shop-front and giving onto the street.
Ex: Problems of community service seem to show up more clearly in the countryside.Ex: He was a loner himself, a small-town country boy who spent most of his time wandering about the hills and fields near his home.* biblioteca de campo de concentración = concentration camp library.* campo de juego = pitch.* campo a través = off-road.* campo de alfarero = potter's field.* campo de batalla = battleground, battlefield.* campo de ceniza volcánica = ash field.* campo de césped artificial = all-weather pitch.* campo de concentración = concentration camp, gulag, internment camp.* campo de cricket = cricket grounds.* campo de deportes = sport arena.* campo de detención = internment camp.* campo de exterminación = death camp.* campo de fútbol = football field.* campo de fútbol de tierra = dirt football pitch.* campo de golf = golf course.* campo de hierba artificial = all-weather pitch.* campo de internamiento = internment camp.* campo de juego = playing field.* campo de juego de tierra = dirt pitch.* campo de lava = lava field.* campo de manzanos = apple orchard.* campo de minas = minefield.* campo de naranjos = orange grove, orange orchard.* campo de olivos = olive grove.* campo de petróleo = oil field.* campo de prisioneros = prison camp, P.O.W. camp, prisoner of war camp, gulag.* campo de reclusión = internment camp.* campo de refugiados = refugee camp.* campo de tierra = dirt pitch.* campo de tiro = gun range, shooting range.* campo de trabajos forzados = labour camp, forced labour camp.* campo, el = bush, the.* campo petrolífero de producción regular = marginal field.* casa de campo = holiday home, country residence.* centro del campo = halfway line.* club de campo = country club.* como un campo de batalla = like a war zone.* cría en campo = free-range farming.* de campo = free-range.* dejar los campos en barbecho = let + fields lie fallow.* diario de campo = field notebook.* gallina de campo = free-range hen.* habitante del campo = country dweller.* línea de medio campo = halfway line.* mano de obra del campo = farm labour force.* pollo de campo = free-range chicken.* prácticas de campo = fieldwork [field work].* trabajador de campo = fieldworker [field worker].* trabajador del campo = farmworker [farm worker], agricultural labourer, farm labourer, farm worker.* trabajadores del campo = farm labour force.* vida en el campo = rural life.* vivir del campo = live off + the land.campo22 = area, arena, field, front, territory.Ex: The area in which standards for bibliographic description have had the most impact is in catalogues and catalogue record data bases.
Ex: This shifts the responsibility for headings and their arrangement into the arena of cataloguers and indexers.Ex: An appreciation of alternative approaches is particularly important in this field where trends towards standardisation are the norm.Ex: Present auguries on the resource front are not good.Ex: The report suggests that structural changes within higher education and within the information industry affect the legitimacy, status, and territory of librarians' work.* campo afín = twin field.* campo científico = academic field, scientific field.* campo de acción = purview, scope.* campo de actividad = area of application.* campo de actuación = purview, scope, sphere of interest.* campo de aplicación = field of application, scope, scope of application, field of practice, area of application.* campo de especialización = area of competence, field of specialisation.* campo de estudio = field of study.* campo de interés = sphere of interest.* campo de investigación = research field.* campo de la computación = computing field.* campo del conocimiento = field of knowledge.* campo de trabajo = field of endeavour.* campo de visión = breadth of vision, viewing position, field of vision.* campo electromagnético = electromagnetic field.* campo magnético = magnetic field.* campo temático = subject field.* campo visual = field of vision.* en el campo de = in the realm of, in the field of.* generar un campo magnético = generate + magnetic field.* investigación de campo = intervention research, field research.* investigador de campo = fieldworker [field worker].* trabajo de campo = fieldwork [field work].campo33 = field.Ex: Records are normally divided into fields.
* abreviatura del nombre del campo = tag.* búsqueda por campos = field searching.* campo bibliográfico = bibliographic field.* campo de cabecera = leader field.* campo de control = control field.* campo de datos = datafield.* campo de información = data field.* campo de longitud fija = fixed length field.* campo de longitud variable = variable length field.* campo de notas = notes field.* campo de registro = field.* campo de relación = linking field.* campo de texto libre = free-text field.* campo indizable = indexing field.* campo inserto = embedded field.* campo reservado = reserved field.* campo restringido = limit field.* código de campo = field code.* contenido del campo = field content.* de campos fijos = fixed-field.* delimitador de campo = field delimiter.* etiqueta de campo = field label, field tag.* identificador de campo = field label.* identificador de campo abreviado = short field label.* identificador de campo desarrollado = long field label.* indicador de campo = field indicator.* marca de final de campo = delimiter.* nombre del campo = field name.* separador de campo = field separator.* sufijo de campo = field suffix code.* tamaño del campo = field size.* tecla de borrado de campo = ERASE FIELD key.el campo(n.) = bush, theEx: Her experiences in Namibia involved cycling along dirt roads through the bush to village schools in order to read stories and help children make their own books = Sus experiencias en Namibia supusieron ir en bicicleta por caminos de tierra por el campo a las escuelas de las aldeas para leer cuentos y ayudar a los niños a hacer sus propios libros.
* * *A(campiña): el campo the countryse fue a vivir al campo he went to live in the countryla migración del campo a la ciudad migration from the countryside o from rural areas to the citiesel campo se ve precioso con nieve the countryside looks lovely in the snowmodernizar el campo to modernize agricultureel campo no se cultiva de manera eficaz the land is not worked efficientlylas faenas del campo farm workla gente del campo country peoplea campo raso out in the opencampo a través or a campo traviesa or a campo través cross-countryCompuesto:cross-country runningel campeonato nacional de campo a través the national cross-country championships1 ( Agr) fieldlos campos de cebada the barleyfields, the fields of barleyperdieron en su campoor en campo propio they lost at homelleno absoluto en el campo the stadium o ( BrE) ground is packed3hicieron investigaciones or observaciones de campo they did a field studyCompuestos:masculine and feminine ( Ven) shortstoplanding fieldbattlefieldtraining grounddeath campgolf course, golf links (pl)field of honor*killing fieldminefieldtesting o proving groundfiring rangeairfieldminefield( Per) mineoilfieldcemeteryC (ámbito, área de acción) fieldesto no está dentro de mi campo de acción this does not fall within my area o field of responsibilityel campo de acción de la comisión the committee's remitabandonó el campo de la investigación she gave up research workdejarle el campo libre a algn to leave the field clear for sbCompuestos:field of fireforce fieldfield of vision● campo gravitatorio or de gravedadgravitational fieldmagnetic fieldoperative fieldsemantic fieldfield of visionD (campamento) campCompuestos:concentration camprefugee campE( Andes) (espacio, lugar): hagan or abran campo make roomsiempre le guardo campo I always save her a placeF ( Inf) fieldG (en heráldica) field* * *
Del verbo campar: ( conjugate campar)
campo es:
1ª persona singular (yo) presente indicativo
campó es:
3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) pretérito indicativo
Multiple Entries:
campo sustantivo masculino
1 ( zona no urbana) country;
( paisaje) countryside;
el campo se ve precioso the countryside looks beautiful;
campo a través or a campo traviesa ‹caminar/ir› cross-country
2 ( zona agraria) land;
( terreno) field;
las faenas del campo farm work;
los campos de cebada the field of barley;
campo de aterrizaje landing field;
campo de batalla battlefield;
campo de minas minefield;
campo petrolífero oilfield
3 (Dep) ( de fútbol) field, pitch (BrE);
( de golf) course;◊ jugar en campo propio/contrario to play at home/away;
campo a través cross-country running;
campo de tiro firing range
4 (ámbito, área de acción) field;
5 ( campamento) camp;◊ campo de concentración/de refugiados concentration/refugee camp
campar verbo intransitivo to stand out, be prominent
♦ Locuciones: familiar campar por sus respetos, to do as one pleases
campo sustantivo masculino
1 country, countryside
2 (tierra de cultivo) land: trabaja en el campo, he works on the land
(parcela de cultivo) field: los campos de girasoles embellecen el paisaje, sunflower fields leave the landscape looking beautiful
3 Dep field
(de fútbol) pitch
(de golf) course
4 (ámbito) field
5 Fís Fot field 6 campo de acción, field of action
Mil campo de batalla, battlefield
campo de concentración, concentration camp
campo de trabajo, work camp
campo magnético, magnetic field
campo visual, field of vision
trabajo de campo, fieldwork
♦ Locuciones: a campo traviesa o través, cross-country
' campo' also found in these entries:
- abierto
- ampliar
- aplanar
- chalet
- ciudad
- dibujar
- dominguera
- dominguero
- dominio
- eminencia
- empecinada
- empecinado
- faena
- faenar
- finca
- mariscal
- merendero
- pequeña
- pequeño
- primicia
- rancho
- reverdecer
- salida
- sembrada
- sembrado
- terrena
- terreno
- villa
- vista
- zigzag
- abonar
- ámbito
- anegar
- avance
- caminata
- campesino
- cercar
- criar
- cultivar
- empantanado
- empantanarse
- excursión
- florido
- fumigar
- labor
- medio
- merendar
- merienda
- milpa
- angrily
- area
- arena
- battlefield
- bound
- common
- concentration camp
- cottage
- country
- country club
- country cottage
- countryside
- course
- cover
- cross-country
- domain
- dread
- field
- field trip
- field work
- football field
- free rein
- front nine
- go through
- golf course
- ground
- link
- magnetic
- minefield
- open
- out-of-bounds
- pasture
- pitch
- playing field
- proving ground
- ramble
- range
- reputed
- rifle range
- rolling
- scramble
- shooting-range
- sphere
- villa
- ahead
- battle
- branch
- concentration
- cross
* * *campo nm1. [terreno, área] field;un campo de tomates a field of tomatoes;dejar el campo libre a algo/alguien to leave the field clear for sth/sbcampo de acogida [de refugiados] provisional refugee camp;campo de aterrizaje landing-field;campo de aviación airfield;también Fig campo de batalla battlefield;campo de concentración concentration camp;los Campos Elíseos [en París] the Champs Êlysées;el campo enemigo enemy territory;campo de exterminio death camp;el Campo de Gibraltar = the area of Spain at the border of Gibraltar;campo de hielo ice field;campos de maíz cornfields;también Fig campo minado minefield;campo de minas minefield;campo de nieve snowfield;campo petrolífero oilfield;campo de prisioneros prison camp;campo de pruebas testing ground, proving-ground;campo de refugiados refugee camp;campo de tiro [para aviones] bombing range;[para policías, deportistas] firing range, shooting range;campo de trabajo [de vacaciones] work camp;[para prisioneros] labour campuna casa en el campo a house in the country;en mitad del campo in the middle of the country o countryside;la emigración del campo a la ciudad migration from rural areas to citiescampo abierto open countryside; Dep campo a través cross-country running [de tenis] court; [de golf] course;el campo de fútbol del Barcelona the Barcelona football ground;el campo contrario the opponents' half;jugar en campo propio/contrario to play at home/away (from home)campo atrás [en baloncesto] backcourt violation;campo de entrenamiento training ground;campo de juego playing field4. [área, ámbito] field;el campo de las ciencias the field of science;un campo del saber a field o an area of knowledge;no entra en su campo de actuación it's not one of his responsibilitiesLing campo léxico lexical field5. Informát field6.de campo [sobre el terreno] in the field;trabajo de campo fieldwork7. Fís fieldcampo eléctrico electric field;campo electromagnético electromagnetic field;campo de fuerza force field;campo gravitatorio gravitational field;campo magnético magnetic field;campo magnético terrestre terrestrial magnetic field;campo visual visual field, field of vision8. [partido, bando] camp, side;el campo rebelde the rebelshazme campo para que me siente make some room so I can sit down10. RP [hacienda] farm, ranch* * *m1 field2:en el campo in the country(side);ir al campo go to the country;raso in (the) open country;a campo traviesa, campo a través cross-countryground4:en el campo de la técnica in the technical field;tener campo libre para hacer algo have a free hand to do sth* * *campo nm1) campaña: countryside, country2) : fieldcampo de aviación: airfieldsu campo de responsabilidad: her field of responsibility* * *campo n1. (extensión de terreno) country2. (paisaje) countryside3. (tierra de cultivo) field4. (materia de estudio) field -
3 Цветовая шкала
Food industry: Colour score (напр., в Color score is a numerical value to rate the color of the orange juice) -
4 цветовая шкала
Food industry: Colour score (напр., в Color score is a numerical value to rate the color of the orange juice) -
5 Ayre, Sir Amos Lowrey
SUBJECT AREA: Ports and shipping[br]b. 23 July 1885 South Shields, Englandd. 13 January 1952 London, England[br]English shipbuilder and pioneer of the inter-war "economy" freighters; Chairman of the Shipbuilding Conference.[br]Amos Ayre grew up on the Tyne with the stimulus of shipbuilding and seafaring around him. After an apprenticeship as a ship draughtsman and distinction in his studies, he held responsible posts in the shipyards of Belfast and later Dublin. His first dramatic move came in 1909 when he accepted the post of Manager of the new Employment Exchange at Govan, then just outside Glasgow. During the First World War he was in charge of fleet coaling operations on the River Forth, and later was promoted Admiralty District Director for shipyard labour in Scotland.Before the conclusion of hostilities, with his brother Wilfrid (later Sir Wilfrid Ayre) he founded the Burntisland Shipbuilding Company in Fife. Setting up on a green field site allowed the brothers to show innovation in design, production and marketing. Such was their success that the new yard was busy throughout the Depression, building standard ships which incorporated low operating costs with simplicity of construction.Through public service culminating in the 1929 Safety of Life at Sea Conference, Amos Ayre became recognized not only as an eminent naval architect, but also as a skilled negotiator. In 1936 he was invited to become Chairman of the Shipbuilding Conference and thereby virtual leader of the industry. As war approached he planned with meticulous care the rearrangement of national shipbuilding capacity, enabling Britain to produce standard hulls ranging from the legendary TID tugs to the standard freighters built in Sunderland or Port Glasgow. In 1939 he became Director of Merchant Shipbuilding, a position he held until 1944, when with typical foresight he asked to be released to plan for shipbuilding's return to normality.[br]Principal Honours and DistinctionsKnighted 1937. KBE 1943. Officer of the Order of Orange-Nassau.Bibliography1919, "The theory and design of British shipbuilding", The Syren and Shipping, London.Further ReadingWilfrid Ayre, 1968, A Shipbuilders Yesterdays, Fife (published privately). James Reid, 1964, James Lithgow, Master of Work, London.Maurice E.Denny, 1955, "The man and his work" (First Amos Ayre Lecture), Transactions of the Institution of Naval Architects vol. 97.FMW
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